Servio 1 (Association TCC des deux Rives)
Amassé : 19 873 $
Objectif : 21 000 $
Faire un don

Amassé : 19 873 $

Objectif : 21 000 $

Servio 1 (Association TCC des deux Rives)

We will soon be participating in the 9th edition of Les beaux 4 heures Fondation Martin-Matte, which is once again partnering with the Sommet Saint-Sauveur for its ski marathon. This great fundraising event will take place on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at Sommet St-Sauveur and will also be offered in a hybrid version, allowing a remote participation from January 10 to February 10, 2024. We are very happy to take part in this major fundraising activity, as it is a great opportunity for us to support a cause that is close to our heart: children and adults living with a traumatic brain injury or a physical disability.

Fondation Martin-Matte Fondation Martin-Matte’s primary mission is to offer a better quality of life to these people whose lives have been turned upside down in the blink of an eye. All amounts collected during this event will be dedicated to new Maisons Martin-Matte as well as to the development of new respite programs in order to break the social isolation of this clientele, while offering a well-deserved break to their loved ones.

We are therefore appealing to your generosity to help us reach our goal of collecting donations and thus alleviate the daily lives of thousands of families throughout Quebec. Please know that every donation, big or small, is precious. For each donation of $20 or more, you will receive an official tax receipt.

On behalf of all those who will benefit from your generosity, thank you!
Membres de l'équipe
il y a 4 mois
50 $
Carol Perreault
Merci de votre engagement pour la cause. Vous en êtes une excellente ambassadrice.
il y a 4 mois
50 $
Régent Lachapelle
Jamais trop tard pour faire un geste! Le don vient du cœur! Ton pilote de sitski de la fondation Régent
il y a 5 mois
100 $
Lucie Gagnon
Félicitations Mélanie pour ton engagement!
il y a 5 mois
20 $
Nathalie Ouellet
il y a 5 mois
50 $
Sylvain Lanoue
Bravo pour ton dévouement. Très touchant ton histoire que tu as raconté samedi soir dernier au Sommet Saint Sauveur lors de l'événement ''Les beaux 4 heures''.

Voir tous les dons